Thursday, November 8, 2018

And why Christmas music is always in my MP3 player...

My wife gets frustrated because I listen to Christmas music year round. My MP3 player contains Celtic, new age, classical, classic rock, gospel, Christmas, and even a little metal. I don't use playlists so all the music just rotates through. I think songs about the birth of our Saviour shouldn't be limited to the period between Thanksgiving and New Years. As I stated in yesterday's post, we know Jesus probably wasn't born on December 25, that's just the date chosen long ago to celebrate.

Some common theories point to late March or late April as the time Jesus was born but nobody knows for sure. It doesn't really matter when he was born. The fact that He was born and died for our sins is all I need.

Since we don't know the exact date, when I'm listening to Away In A Manger in July, I might be right on the money. So please, give me a break.

Why I no longer play defense in the "war against Christmas"

In the past I have been very vocal when hearing about Christmas being taken out of the Christmas holiday. Challenges to public displays, stores substituting holiday for Christmas, etc. have always made me angry. A podcast by my friend Jeremy Sarber started me looking at it and I've pretty much done a 180 on the issue.

The birth of Jesus wasn't observed in Europe until the fourth century and in the U.S. until the late 1800's because the date wasn't known and it wasn't deemed important. His death, burial, and resurrection (Easter) is the defining moment that separates Christianity from all other religions.

I hate to give credit to athiests and separation of church and state activists, but it is true that the pagan Winter Solstice celebration was appropriated by Christians trying to win people over to Christianity and leave behind the sinful partying that had become commonplace.

I still believe that the First Amendment to the Constitution only applies to Congress, the federal government. If a city, county, or even state wants Christmas displays on public property it is not the business of courts to force removal. But I'm choosing to look at the big picture and let it go. Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.

Businesses should always be free to choose to celebrate Christmas or not to celebrate. Its customers can decide for themselves if they want to patronize the business or go where they can have their beliefs validated. I will still celebrate Christmas with family and friends but will no longer make a loud, public protest when a company leaves Christmas out of its sale advertisements. Christmas is an artificial holiday and refusing to acknowledge it is not a blasphemous offense.
*Edited and reposted from several years ago*

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