I don't smoke and never have but it's getting ridiculous. Smokers practically have to carry a book to keep track of where they can't smoke.
Instead of chipping away at it, just outaw smoking and get it over with. Government at various levels has been raising tobacco taxes and increasingly banning smoking.
One of the biggest problems with these methods is they depend on the taxes to fund health care and government but keep increasing rates to discourage smoking. How much money will you bring in if everyone quits?
Before Oklahoma banned smoking in restaurants I simply avoided places where I had trouble breathing. Business owners chose whether to have smoking, no-smoking, or separate smoking rooms. Free market at its best. Now the inside is smoke free but you walk through a cloud of smoke and step on cigarette butts to get inside.
When people smoke inside they are more likely to use ashtrays. When smoking outside the ground is one big ashtray. That's not really littering, is it?
Come out and ban smoking or loosen up the restrictions on inside smoking. Either way there should be less litter and confusion.